stop nose problem |
or may not be one of them. The funny thing is that he does not know who he is. Those who live with them are quite annoyed, they get disturbed. "It is seen that due to the call, the husband and wife live in different rooms at night. However, if you want, you can adopt some natural methods to stop the Nakadka, as well as make some changes in living. Likewise, some of the methods discussed below.
7 tips to stop nose
1. Change your sleep position
Breathed backs are beneficial for body skin and various organisms, but they do not have convenient positions for those who call noses. On the back of the back, the original and soft palette of the tongue stays with the back wall of the throat. As a result, a sound of breath-breathing in the sleep creates a shake. So you can not lie back and lie down on the back. The nose could stop calling it.According to Slater, body pillows or pill pillows can lie on one side and have dramatic results. According to Chakravarti, you can sleep in the back of a ponytail with a tennis ball. "It will prevent you from lying on the back. Or you can lie down in the bed and put your head upside down and sit down. It will keep your nose airway open and close the call. But remember that you may have a neckache while sleeping in this position. Even if the Nakdaka is not closed, then understand that your slip is in Apia. Do not delay the doctor. "- Chakravarty said.
2. Weight loss
Naddaka may be stopped for some people, but not for everyone. According to slaughter, there are many thin body people, who are suffering from nose problems. He further said, "If you increase your weight and you start calling sleep in which you did not have the weight before it increased, but it could be stopped after weight loss. If you increase your weight towards the neck, it reduces the inner circumference of the neck and which becomes more tight in sleep. The result starts nose ".3. Avoid alcohol
Alcohol and sleeping pills prevent the muscles of the neck from being normal. As a result, you can call nose. Chakravarti said, "4/5 hours before sleeping, alcohol nose may be more pronounced. Those who do not call nose in the normal condition, after drinking alcohol, call their nose while sleeping.4. Develop good habits for good sleep
Leave sleep bad habits. Such as going to sleep on time, watching TV till sleeping, doing extra work or working long hours without adequate sleep. Because of this you will be very tired. And when you go to sleep, your muscles will become puffed up, the road to the air inside the nostrils will get compressed. You fall down in deep sleep. The nose will start5. Try to keep the nostrils open
If the nostrils or airways are open, then the nose will stop. Because it can enter the slow speed of the space with wide space, so that the nose will stop. Suller said, "Imagine you're giving water to the garden with a hose pipe. If the hose pipe closure is narrow, then the water flows through it at a very high speed. Your nose pierces the same way. If your nose is cold or in any other cause or the nostril leakage is narrow; Then the inside will enter the wind and the sound of nose fast and loud inside it.
According to slaughter, before going to bed, after bathing in light hot water, the nostril is wide. But you can clear the nose by sipping a bottle of goblet with salt water and squeezing the nose slowly. Good benefits are available in this. Using 'Nappy Pot', you can wash the salt with a salt-water solution. You can also use a nasal strip unless your nose has a problem.
6. Change the pillow if needed
Your bedroom and pillow, the presence of allergen in the bed sheet, may be one of the reasons for your call. Wondered what? When did you clear fan fan? When the pillow cover, bed linen cleaned? Yes, if they are clean, such as dust and sand, a mite is born, so that allergic reactions can occur. This is the same problem - the nasal piercing may become slim and the nacadaka may start. Those who listen to pet on a bed are also more likely to be infected with allergies. Because pet stomach skin can cause sterility due to your skin.After each one or two weeks, once in pillow sunshine. If possible, Matt or Todak. Make pillows, bed sheets, regular washing habits. And change them every six months.
7. Drink lots of fluids
Drink plenty of fluids so that the water does not appear in the vacuum. If the water flows into the body or decreases, then the deformed or slippery material comes out, which makes your nose soaked and increases the nacadaka. According to experts, in order to keep moist or water level in the body, all women should take 11 cups of fluid and 16 cups for men.Try to sleep sufficiently, try to swallow back, stay away from alcohol before sleeping, take bath in light hot water if there is a problem of closing. According to Slater, if you follow these simple rules, you can achieve unthinkable success in the case of a call.
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