g Tech doctor: Dengue fever baby the need for the rest | KidsHealth Dengue fever in babies | Baby Center | Dengue In Children - Causes,

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Dengue fever baby the need for the rest | KidsHealth Dengue fever in babies | Baby Center | Dengue In Children - Causes,

Dengue fever baby the need for the rest | KidsHealth Dengue fever in babies | Baby Center | Dengue In Children - Causes,

Dengue fever baby the need for the rest

June-July to September-October to dengue fever season. The children of the affected. However, adults
with the children of dengue fever sign-উপসর্গে some discrepancy have.

Small children dengue symptoms to start, and ten general virus fever like. Fever will high temperature, 104 or 105 degrees Fahrenheit to could পারদের spines. With viral flu like the nose flux, খুসখুস কাশিও may have.

But note fever two three days of the head of the skin Red grain or র্যাশ was what not. A little of the children of headache, চোখব্যথা or bone সন্ধিতে pain able to speak. Small children these can not say, but very dull become. Food অরুচি, vomiting think or vomiting,

on the hands of চুলকানিও might be. General dengue that fear not, However, dengue of complexity bad at the turn can take. Bleeding, liver problems, mall with the blood of, brain infection or এনকেফালোপ্যাথি etc. বড়দেরই is more. Children's nose with blood read, মাড়িতে blood, liver a little of the etc. complications can be seen.

 However, properly water lack do not meet the children quickly পানিশূন্যতায় suffer. And blood circulation নালিগুলো more delicate the children's shock syndrome with risk of being more. Baby dengue the nervous not the proper care and treatment take. -'নো work "," no play "," no স্কুল'-recently children high fever this slogan is. Because,

this time enough rest need the baby. Need to feel the hospital that day. -খাওয়ার interests reduced to a feed to enough পুস্টি that there are, for example, hodgepodge or light সহজপাচ্য food. -জ্বর to reduce the paracetamol pills,

syrup or সাপোজিটরি-for which is applicable. On the forehead and on wet cloth bandana work will. -প্রচুর water, dab water, Saline, juice, lemon drink-a little after baby face of the day. -Dengue to prevent this time the baby light color ফুলহাতা clothes and pants পরাবেন,

should certainly mosquito Nets will. The morning and evening দুবেলা children door of the House-window stuck mosquito resistant spray can use. But the baby outside the House note.

Because, these are for the harmful.

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Dengue fever baby the need for the rest | Kids Health Dengue fever in babies | Baby Center | Dengue In Children - Causes,

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