g Tech doctor: Find out 12 strange ways to win mind

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Find out 12 strange ways to win mind

Find out 12 strange ways to win mind
Find out 12 strange
 ways to win mind
It is not easy to win a human mind. Do not be as good as you are or donate to charity; But there are some things, the kind of love that you will
get easily with the help of that desired love.

1. Environmental awareness

What is the relation of consciousness to the environment again? But the fact is surprising that if you are aware of the environment then getting the love of others is easy for you. It has been proved in a survey of the seven teams of 2016 that if you purchase environmentally friendly goods, then others may be interested in you. And it is also helpful in building lasting relationships.

When someone tries to add a heart and expresses his commitment for this, the love of the other side is available.

3. Correct faces

In different situations, your right face is effective to attract other people. In this case, men and women work differently. Happy female faces attract men but do not attract proud faces. However, proud faces not only happy faces but also proud faces to attract extra attraction.

4. Match in appearance

There is a similarity with the person you want to be loved, but there is a lot of benefits in the field of love. It has been found that in the face of the present or the former partner, people are attracted to him as well.

5. Hand gesture
The right gesture of hand will increase your attractiveness. If you can handle your hands properly while talking, then your attraction will increase.

6. Keep eye eyes for a long time

If you have long-time eye contact with someone, the attraction may arise naturally. In this case, the study found that if you have two minutes of eye contact with someone, it increases the attraction. But the snake will not look like a flutter, so there is some life in the eye connection.

7. Smog about each other

There is always the attraction of people to unknown things. And so some of the smog increases the attraction for a long time. This is known in a recent study.

8. Match

If there is a similarity with each other, it easily attracts others. So if someone has a great match with you, then he might also like you. If the same values ​​work between two people, their attraction increases. In this case, the attraction will increase even if their parents have learned the same things about what they have learned or who have come to know from their childhood.

9. Proper odor of the body

If the smell of the body is disturbed then it will force others to go away. This is normal. And the opposite also applies. If the smell of your body is great then it will attract the opposite sex.

10. Look like a father or a mother

There is good news if you look like a father or mother of a loved one. Because, the University of Saint According to Andres's psychologist David Perate, girls like men look like their fathers, and boys love women like their mother.

11. Animals love

If you love animals, then others will love you too. Researchers say that this issue is basically a proof of human reliability. The one who loves a creature and can take care of it all, is credible to other people.

12. Interesting but ...

If your desired person is beautiful or beautiful then his attraction on your face can depend. In this case, if you look like him or she is more beautiful then she can not like you. However, this aspect does not have much effect in the case of average appearance.

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